Peter N. James
Author, Speaker,
Whistleblower, SPY -- The American
DISCLOSURE: Peter strongly supports the U.S. Constitution and our nation's national security interests
Thinking "Outside the Box" For several decades I've enjoyed walking my dogs overseas, in the USA, and having neighbors know me as that "nice guy" down the street instead of that 'Spy Guy' down the street". It appears that the "Bad Guys" still don't know that while we love our privacy, we have millions of professional Americans in all walks of life who are very private "Sleeping Giants" that are easily awakened. The internet did not publicly exist when I was first approached by the CIA, nor during most of the Cold War. The possibility of doing something in the field of espionage, national security, and government oversight that has not been done before exists TODAY thanks to the Internet. Here's my challenge to Today's Generation: There is no reason why we can't do a much BETTER job in both protecting our country's national security interests against terrorists and other adversaries, while simultaneously protecting BETTER every American's individual rights and civil liberties. Low expectations produce unsatisfactory results. Doing a better job in one area does not mean that the other area must suffer. The roots of the problem can be traced to CORRUPT, SELF-SERVING, or INCOMPETENT people who are using government for their own purposes. The key is to attract TOP OF THE LINE COMPETENT people to work at ALL levels of government. This can be achieved by creating a legitimate oversight system in place that is so tough that unscrupulous and incompetent government officials and contractors will head for the exits. They have no reason to head for the exits in today's environment, especially when "politics and government" are such profitable "professions". Additionally, with the Internet alive and well, I'd like to do something "outside the box" that clearly depicts the enormous possibilities and potential that exist in the United States today -- not the "cookie-cutter loser-what's in it for me" mentality that is being forced on Americans by some of the most self-serving, uncreative, dishonest politicians and bureaucrats who for years have made a comfortable living for themselves, their families, friends, and supporters by exploiting others. The last thing that these exploiters of Americans need is to wake up one day and learn that "politics and government" are no longer "low risk" profitable professions. |
Peter N. James -- More Background (Excerpts from Past Press Releases, etc.) |
Peter N. James is an American author, international speaker, expert on U.S. national security affairs, muckraker, whistleblower, and a principled ex-spy who is "coming in from the cold" (again) to address today's issues of international espionage, terrorism, national security, and the violation of individual rights of Americans citizens by our own government. There is no way that this ex-spy, who spoke addressed more than a thousand university, Executive Club, and Round Table audiences in 47 states and Canada during and after the Cold War, can ignore these familiar topics during the writing of his autobiography. Look for it in 2022.
When Peter N. James Spoke During the Cold War, People Listened |
A Principled ex-Spy
With a History |
When it was not popular to do so (well before "911"), Peter warned that terrorists would strike inside an unprepared United States and the White House's policy of cozying up to President Assad of Syria would backfire. Today's mess in Syria could have been avoided by taking Peter's advice several decades ago. See above news coverage: "Buddying-Up With Syrian Will Backfire"
Peter Cannot Be Censored Peter cannot be censored by the U.S. government. As is shown above, he is known for the question and answer period following his presentations and he knows how to positively stimulate both liberals and conservatives who attend his programs. Peter comes across as a principled ex-spy with no political agenda, but vital causes to promote such as individual freedom, liberty, and the truth. A physics graduate from Case Institute of Technology in Cleveland, Ohio. Peter is shown below during the George W. Bush era in the Excelsior Hotel lounge near the U.S. embassy on the Via Veneto in Roma, Italy. During the Cold War, as a young aerospace and rocket engineer with the Pratt & Whitney Aircraft (PWA), Florida Research and Development Center (FRDC), a division of United Technologies in West Palm Beach, Peter coordinated the firm’s foreign technology program with the United States Air Force while also collecting intelligence overseas for the CIA.
Peter, who was known as "The
American" by foreign adversaries, had the "perfect cover": He
played himself. For legitimate security reasons, U.S. government
"Spooks" and "Analysts" who are employed and paid by our government are
kept separated: Spies operating overseas are not told what happens to
the intelligence that they collect and intelligence analysts in the
United States are not allowed to have personal contact with the spies
who collected the information, nor the people named in the intelligence
reports, that they are required to analyze. Peter did both: As
"The American", he knew what to look for, what to do, and
instructed the U.S. intelligence community to avoid contacting him
overseas so he could operate without being compromised. |
Peter of USA is No
Ordinary Speaker |
A Private and Public Track Record
An 800-page SECRET report that Peter authored during the Cold War, which was requested by the Executive Office of the President, received high marks throughout U.S. government classified circles; it was the first to document major Soviet rocket and missile developments that were previously unknown by the U.S. government.
Two of Peter's most popular public speaking programs during the Reagan-Bush Years that attracted liberal and conservative audiences were "The Embryo of an American Police State" and "International Espionage and Terrorism". Both timeless speaking programs not only accurately predicted future events as documented by press coverage at that time, but almost half of Peter's programs lasted past midnight with a mix of liberal and conservative audiences respectfully participating in lively question and answer sessions with no questions or answers being "off limits".
Peter's speaking programs cannot be legally censored because he never signed a secrecy oath with the clandestine services of the U.S. government even though as a globe-hopping, independent maverick he had developed a close working relationship and assisted upon numerous requests the late chief of the CIA field office in Miami. Peter's intelligence reports to the CIA following his encounters overseas with our country's adversaries often numbered hundreds of pages and broke new ground in the field known as "Human Intelligence" (HUMINT).
How It All Began --
"The Whistleblower"
TODAY Peter pulls no punches and deals with today's espionage, terrorism, national security and individual rights issues that some government officials would rather bury permanently while others simply want our government representatives to tell the truth, obey our laws, and abide by the U.S. Constitution. Unlike earlier generations, too many of today's self-serving politicians from BOTH political parties, along with many government bureaucrats, federal contractors, and their friends, have controlled, manipulated, distributed, and spent trillions of tax dollars (no longer billions of dollars) taking good care of themselves and their contractual friends at the expense of the national security interests of the United States, the constitutionally guaranteed individual rights and civil liberties of every American, and the economic well being and stability of the United States and American families.
Well before the collapse of the Soviet Union, which caught the U. S. Government by surprise, Peter's audiences were advised during both terms of the Reagan presidency that the Soviet Union could be brought to its knees, not by nuclear weapons and missiles, but by an economically superior United States.
He showed audiences that the Soviet Union was about to destroy itself economically and it was not necessary for the United States to follow suit (our own economic destruction) by continuing a senseless and wasteful arms race when both sides already had enough weapons to destroy the entire world. This was a "no-brainer" never understood by some members of the U.S. intelligence community and our military-industrial complex.
The timeless lesson that I have learned is that when unscrupulous U.S. government officials are allowed to operate in secret with little oversight, they will knowingly break the law and if necessary attempt to intimidate individuals and American institutions to keep from being exposed, having little appreciation of the law or sacrifices made by so many to protect the freedoms we currently enjoy. How weak and impotent they become in a free American society when the press, media, and other branches of our government begin investigating their activities as permitted by law. Like Ben Franklin once said when asked what kind of government our nation's founders had created, he replied, "A republic if you can keep it." Peter
To E-mail:
anti-Communist exiled King (Prince) Leka of Albania in Canada (before
the fall of Communism in Albania, the Kosovo Revolution, and the
creation of the new country of Kosovo).
Peter was one of the first Americans to tap the resources of the Kosovo Muslim community in the United States to adopt an openly pro-American and anti-terrorism policy which included cooperating with the FBI and Congress. Peter worked behind the scenes to help organize and support the movement to create a free and independent state within the former "Yugoslavia". This predominately ethnic state eventually became the pro-American country (sovereign state) of Kosovo, officially recognized by UN members in 2008. Not many Americans are aware that the Muslim majority in Kosovo had the support of Muslim Americans who cooperated and helped the U.S. government and NATO in the creation of Kosovo. Peter would visit these groups in New York, Boston, Detroit, Chicago, Aurora, and Canada. In his forthcoming autobiography, Peter writes about this little known movement of pro-American and patriotic Muslims in the United States who supported the overthrow of the Communists in Albania, the separation of Kosovo from Yugoslavia, and the creation of a much larger ethnic Albanian state with close ties to the West and the United States.
With "Commander Zero" (Comandante Eden Pastora) of the Nicaraguan Revolution when he terminated his "Southern Front" counter-revolution and military rebel campaign opposing Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega. Pastora accepted instead President Oscar Arias' offer to live in Costa Rica as a prelude to the Arias Central American Peace Plan. Pastora agreed that he and his revolutionaries would stop using Costa Rica as a base for launching attacks against Nicaragua. |
With Comandante Eden Pastora (Commander Zero of the Nicaraguan Revolution) in Costa Rica following the release of the U.S. congressional report investigating the Iran-Contra Affair (arms for hostages deal) under the Reagan Administration. Congress turned down Pastora's request to testify during the Iran-Contra Hearings, a message communicated to Peter during Lt. Col Oliver North's testimony. Peter hand-delivered the full report to Pastora along with evidence that "the Comandante" was willing to cooperate with the U.S. investigation, but his offer was turned down. Pastora would later unsuccessfully run for president of Nicaragua, but had little support and was easily defeated by Daniel Ortega. For "historical buffs", Pastora was head of the revolutionary rebels that stormed the Nicaraguan National Palace of then American-backed dictator Anastasio Somoza. By holding members of the Nicaraguan Congress hostage, Pastora successfully obtained the release of imprisoned anti-Somoza rebels. This was a major event that helped Pastora and the Sandanistas launch the Nicaraguan Revolution that eventually toppled Somoza. Pastora would later turn against Daniel Ortega and launch a counter-revolution using Costa Rica as his base of operations while the United States supported other Contras along Nicaragua's northern border. |
This page shows typical posters used by sponsors to promote past Peter N. James programs |
Peter of USA
Author, Speaker,
Whistleblower, SPY -- The American
Peter N. James -- "The American"
(Number One Speaker Series on International Espionage and
Terrorism For More Than a Decade -- Now Retired)
Programs (Past Speaking Programs)
"The Embryo of an American Police State"
"International Espionage and Terrorism"
"Author, Speaker, Whistleblower, Spy -- The American"
(Based on the forthcoming autobiography of the maverick
they called "The American")
“True liberty is the ability earned by practice
to do the right thing.”
(Oswald Chambers -- "Still Higher for His Highest")
Peter N. James is PRIVATELY Focused on National Security Issues |