Peter N. James is PRIVATELY Focused on National Security and OTHER Issues He is Unavailable for Public Speaking Appearances Look for Peter's published MEMOIR in 2022-2023
For historical reasons some of the sections below, which were written mainly during 2018-2019, will remain "frozen".
This Domain Name
is NOT FOR SALE -- Scroll to Bottom
was officially and originally registered on May 12, 2012. (The nominal fee charged by most official Domain Name Registrars for a NEW OWNER to extend a domain name's official expiration date is usually about 10-15 U.S. dollars per year.)
May 2022: I wish to note on the record that no multi-billionaire has taken the initiative to provide an alternative to Facebook, Twitter, and the other internet outlets that currently control "Free Speech". Congress and the White House have the power to pass legislation to encourage competition on the internet. Congress has not done so. Instead, Congress, and corrupt power-hungry politicians and bureaucrats have given the current controllers of the internet monopolies by offering "legal" advantages over "new competitors". The right "American" who happens to have "deep pockets" and in control of the "Boycott" domain names on this web site can "jump start" the process by legally initiating the "Boycotts" of current"legal" monopolies.
For the Record -- posted several years ago In 2018 liberals like Hollywood actress Cher and organizations like the NAACP announced they are dumping or boycotting Facebook. In effect, they have joined conservatives like James Woods, Peter N. James, and others who either already dumped Facebook or warned that Facebook's agenda does not serve America well.
Facebook has achieved what few organizations thought was possible: Getting liberals and Conservatives to work toward achieving the same objective.
THE LIBERAL POSITION: Facebook has disregarded the civil rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution by allowing the posting of disparaging anti-minority remarks as best explained by the NAACP in its "LogOutFacebook" campaign announced on Dec. 18, 2018.
THE CONSERVATIVE POSITION: The CEOs of Social Media have control of web traffic to their own sites with the help of cooperating Search Engines. Our assessment is that Global Elites will attempt to defeat President Trump, who is seeking reelection in 2020. The press, TV networks like CNN and NBC (also known as #FakeNews), and the Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, et. al., learned from the mistakes they made, even though they failed to hide Hillary Clinton's incompetence from the public. They can be expected to correct their mistakes with the help of globalists.
"Crooked Hillary Clinton spent hundreds of millions of dollars more on Presidential Election than I did. Facebook was on her side, not mine!"
PRES. TRUMP TWEET 21 October 2017
The Domain Name
is NOT For Sale
Peter N. James is PRIVATELY Focused on National Security and OTHER Issues He is Unavailable for Public Speaking Appearances Look for Peter's published autobiography in 2022
Originally Registered on May 12,
The domain name
was officially and originally registered on May 12, 2012. Its single ownership
makes it possible for the same registrar ( to transfer to a new owner in a matter of days. We have
always used the same reputable escrow service ( to protect
buyers. The money is not released by to the seller until the
transfer of the domain name is made to the buyer AND the buyer confirms
to that they are satisfied with the transfer and they have
control of the domain name. The process works as it should and provides
domain name buyers who email us an assurance that they are in fact
dealing with reputable people. A condition of the transfer of this domain name to a new owner is the requirement that it must be disclosed that FACEBOOK IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK.
All Offers Received Are Kept Confidential
and Answered Within 24 Hours
Peter N. James, P.O. Box 510281, Punta
Gorda, FL 33951-0281 USA
Some background: In 2018, Facebook's CEO had to admit before the U.S. Congress that private information by Americans using Facebook was given to organizations who used it for both commercial and political purposes. Many considered this to be a flagrant disregard for the privacy of Facebook users. Unfortunately, many leftist, anti-Americans, globalists and supporters of "Never Trump" politicians were not disturbed by the invasion of privacies of Americans who use Facebook.
On 14 May 2015, Gabriel Sherman, National Affairs Editor of New York Magazine,
indicated on CBS This Morning that Facebook's new partnership with the
New York Times, NBC, and other news-media outlets could change the Internet by
"conditioning readers to live inside Facebook". If Sherman's assessment is only
partially correct, it could in fact change where Americans get their information
in the future (i.e., various sources on the Internet or mainly on Facebook.) To
protect the free enterprise system and its compliance with U.S. antitrust laws,
it would appear that Facebook, cooperating press-media outlets, and the American
public have a responsibility to keep lines of communication open. This includes
full transparency and disclosures, such as relationships with current and future
candidates for political office, funding, potential conflicts of interest and
compliance with FCC regulations, if applicable. Gabriel Sherman has done a great
service by calling Facebook's recent new partnerships to the attention of the
American people. The domain name is for sale; in the right hands, it can be a very positive tool to protect free speech and keep a lot of "good or bad guys" honest, including making full disclosures when promoting an agenda.
In Feb. 2016, France raised more privacy issues that involve FaceBook (Google "France Facebook"). There is no question that when it comes to the privacy issue and Facebook, the Europeans were on top of it. By contrast, the case can be made that leftist politicians in America, and others, turned a blind eye towards the invasion of privacy of Americans IN THE UNITED STATES.
On Dec. 18, 2018, liberal activists like Hollywood Actress Cher and the NAACP announced that they were dumping Facebook when it was disclosed that Facebook allowed disparaging postings against minorities. It appears that this is one of the few areas where CONSERVATIVES and LIBERALS share common ground when dealing with Facebook. It should be noted that the website (domain Name) was created in 2012 and is FOR SALE NOW. As Americans, we respect differences in political opinions and the U.S. Constitution.
Gabriel Sherman or
Facebook officers or its employees are NOT involved with this web site.
independent web page and site are NOT affiliated with
Facebook, a registered trademark. The domain name (
allows Americans the opportunity and right to respectfully and
freely express their views as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
Nothing below or anything on this web site is endorsed or sponsored by Facebook.
This is part of the
Protect the United States
project. If the national press and media choose not to fulfill
their constitutional responsibility to protect the public's right to know when
"government" and/or its "representatives" abuse their power, our constitution
allows Americans to legally express themselves (freedom of speech) by
either boycotting or praising the very advertisers and sponsors that financially
support the press and media. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on one's
point of view) "money talks". Just as the national press and media have the
right to expose or ignore abuses of government power, the American public has
the right to support or boycott the sponsors that help support financially the
national press and media.
Selling One or
More Dot Com Domain Names to YOU
The Process is Simple, Secure and Protects All Parties With Reliable
Checks and Balances
1. All past
domain name transfers to new owners have been successfully
performed using a keyboard and, a very reputable and
highly respected escrow company known worldwide, to
protect all parties.
2. Once you agree to a negotiated
purchase price by an exchange of e-mails, we direct
to open an account specifically for
the Dot Com domain name(s) that you are purchasing.
will contact you with instructions on how to transfer your funds
and place them into escrow for safe keeping.
4. Once confirms
that they have received your funds, TierraNet, the registrar of
all Dot Com Domain Names listed for sale on this web site
(mostly since the 1990s), is directed to "unlock" the registered
domain name(s) being purchased so that ownership can be
transferred to you.
The new owner of the Dot Com domain name(s) being purchased can
either continue to use TierraNet as the registrar of record
(transfer only takes hours using TierraNet) or use his or her
own registrar (transfer usually takes as little as several days
to a week.)
6. Once the buyer
confirms to that the Dot Com domain name(s) has been
successfully transferred, is under the buyer’s control, and that
the buyer is satisfied with the purchase(s), releases
the funds and the transaction officially closes.
use to protect buyers and the
integrity of all transactions
Email offers to purchase one or more of the
above Dot Com Domain Names to
All Individual and Package Offers Received Are
Kept Confidential and Answered Within 24 Hours
Peter N. James, P.O. Box 510281, Punta Gorda, FL
33951-0281 USA |
When purchasing one or more web sites (domain names) from my
collection, this gives YOU full and exclusive rights to the domain names.
Peter N. James
Peter N. James, P.O. Box 510281, Punta Gorda, FLORIDA 33951-0281 USA